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Let’s Succeed Together

Welcome! We provide all the education, tools, guidance, and support our clients need to better understand and manage their own congenital heart condition or to improve the congenital heart services they provide to others.

Take a look around and explore the various services we offer.

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We provide professional consulting services to private individuals and organizations within Los Angeles and worldwide on congenital heart disease. From education, advocacy, strategic planning, policy, and research, to innovative solutions; our focus is always on supporting our clients to achieve their goals.

If it's important to you, it's important to us.


We’ll work with you to create a customized plan of action for you or your organization. Get in touch to learn more about the expertise we offer.

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"It is impossible to convey how much you have done to help Amy get through all her trials and tribulations and how much you have helped our family.

You are uniquely talented at what you do and you should know just how much you help someone like Amy deal with all the issues her condition brings."

Annette, Michael, Amy & Max

"Thank you very much for helping me with transition over the past few years and for helping me with my INR.

I couldn't have done any of it without you (literally). I am grateful for all you have done and it has been great getting to know you."


"Many heartfelt thanks and much appreciation for all you've done to help make the Adult Congenital Heart Disease Study Day so successful."


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Los Angeles

+1 (310) 627-6893

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